Unterstützung von KMUs bei der Umsetzung des Green Deal durch Beratung vor Ort, Organisation von Fachveranstaltungen, einem Best-Practice-Austausch, einer Kompetenzplattform und durch Online-Sprechstunden. Schwerpunkt ist die Unterstützung bei der Ermittlung des CO2-Fußabdrucks im Unternehmen.
ERASMUS+ KA2 2021: CREDinGREEN: Responding to tourism market changes caused by C-19 and Green Deal through micro-credential-certified upskilling of SME tourism managers
ERASMUS+ KA2 2020: WBL-Q: From EQAVET principles (building blocks) to real quality in WBL on business and company level – self evaluation, audit and continuous improvement Project N°:2020-1-AT01-KA202-077966 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2022
The project “TOTVET" is aiming to increase the professional competences of tutors and VET teachers, empower them to deliver a quality training in work based learning (WBL) systems.
ERASMUS+ KA3 – Support for Policy Reform Networks and partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers 609049-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR
LeoQualiTC-LEarning Outcome-oriented quality mobility placements to gain transparency and recognition of qualifications within the Tourism and Catering field
Previous projects for which IHK-Projektgesellschaft, has received financial support from the EU Programme during the last three years.
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